Auto loan origination solution

Zoot’s digitalised all-in-one auto loan origination solution is designed to deliver the right decisions quickly. Brokers and Dealers want to sell their cars quickly and they have a range of loan providers to choose from. Direct from consumer applications also need a rapid response as they know they have options to apply elsewhere. You need to make quick decisions to keep and grow market share but you also need to ensure quality is maintained.

Doing this is difficult with inflexible systems that take time and money to change and legacy processes that often require a lot of manual input which are impossible to scale without also scaling cost. Zoot provides a cutting edge platform for efficient change with the agility to enable ongoing innovation at pace.

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automotive lending

Auto finance solution benefits

  • Add new data and services quickly for smarter decisions and improved customer journey
  • Make changes quickly to exploit new opportunities
  • Exploit sophisticated scoring and risk-based pricing with champion challenger testing to deliver more profitable decisions
  • Automate many manual processes leaving the more difficult deals to skilled underwriters
  • Save costs by making changes to the solution in-house
  • Implement and manage operational Consumer Duty requirements
  • Provide self-service broker/dealer onboarding and management

Zoot’s loan origination solution allows us to directly manage the path and flow of the application from beginning to end, where previously our level of control was over the decisioning portion. The ability to make changes on our own across the entire origination process allows us to control our own destiny.



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    Faster and smarter automotive lending

    Zoot’s auto lending solution provides the platform to implement innovative advanced analytics, automation capabilities, and control of product and pricing configurations to ensure the best offer is made to the customer. Seamlessly combining a decision engine and underwriting in one solution allows you to start optimising your processes from day one, then migrating decisions from manual teams into the decision engine in line with performance analysis and strategy testing, to increase the proportion of straight through decisions.

    Add to this the ability to add new data sources, such as Open Banking, into the customer journey and Zoot allows an automotive lender to become an agile lending operation, ready to grow and scale without scaling cost.

    Digitalisation of auto loan origination

    Our auto loan origination software will allow you to digitally transform and achieve business targets.

    Whether your business continues to focus on traditional forms of auto finance, but you want to do it better, or you are exploring new opportunities such as a subscription model for drivers, using new concepts such as utilisation risk, Zoot’s scalable, automated, high-performance cloud-based automotive lending software will power your auto-lending processes.

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