Zoot's decision management solution

Long credit approval processes slow down the sales cycle and give competitors an advantage. Zoot’s decision management platform is a fully automated, easily connected end-to-end workflow that generates rapid decisions for your customers. Our decisioning engine will reduce the need for time-consuming and costly manual evaluations while allowing you to test and implement new decisioning strategies to improve and grow your business.

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Credit Decisioning

Our credit decision management platform allows you to:

  • Accurate decision and price each credit offer
  • Quickly take advantage of new markets and channels
  • Improve risk management
  • Provide personalised, instant credit decisions
  • Ensure regulatory compliance and address consumer and legal inquiries
  • Significantly reduce IT infrastructure costs
  • Provide a seamless customer experience

The depth and breadth of Equifax data combined with Zoot’s world-class infrastructure makes for a powerful solution.

Brad Jones
Retail Banking Leader, Equifax



    decisioning solution pdf document cover

    Credit Decisioning Software

    Banking and financial service companies will benefit from Zoot’s powerful and scalable credit risk decisioning solution to make quick lending decisions. For many financial institutions, credit decisions are still a slow and manual operation due to outdated business procedures and technology. This is true for both consumer and business lending but is particularly a problem when commercial credit applications are being assessed.

    Our decision management platform enables lenders to gather information from a variety of sources about each applicant or business to drive  the real-time credit decisioning process. 

    Automated operational decision management

    A credit decision engine is an automated platform that makes decisions based on your credit policies and criteria. A real-time decision engine saves time and money for businesses with automated credit decisions, allowing manual underwriters to focus on more complex cases as part of the fully integrated decision management process.

    Companies can create their own decision automation solutions using our decision management tools. You can develop and configure your lending workflows according to your credit policies using our decision management platform, delivering on Zoot’s mission to enable businesses to make better decisions and save money.

    Benefits of integrated decision management

    The credit decisioning process transforms massive data into knowledge, which it then translates into actions. It ensures fast and accurate credit decisions. Using our platform customers can quickly analyse, customise, deploy, and scale cutting-edge decision management processes. Through cost-effective and scalable cloud solutions, this enables the implementation of decision management strategies derived from advanced analytics .

    • Make more knowledgeable credit decisions 
    • Improve and streamline credit decisioning
    • Create a unified decision-making foundation
    • Use a flexible and scalable decisioning platform

    Our credit decisioning platform helps you increase the precision and agility of your decisioning processes, which allows you to boost revenue and profitability, while matching and exceeding your competitors. It empowers real-time credit decisioning at credit applications. This allows you to speed up and improve customer acquisition whilst optimising costs in your operational decision management.


    What is credit decisioning?

    Credit organisations deal with risk regularly, and credit decisioning is the gatekeeper responsible for keeping bad risks out. Financial institutions have traditionally used complex statistical models to establish an internal score that shows the degree of credit risk. Credit decisioning done manually takes a long time, costs a lot, and it falls short of the business needs of today’s economy. Top-notch credit decisioning software addresses this issue and ensures fast and smarter credit decisions.

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